Tuesday, May 21, 2024

On the Mountain Top! Feldberg Mountain-Frankfurt Germany

On Top of the Mountain

After 5years span again I came to Germany.Today my son-in-law took me Feldberg Mountain.This is my second visit to this place. I always like Mountain and its majestic look.

The Großer Feldberg ('Great Field Mountain') is, at a height of 879.5 metres, 2885 feet the highest elevation of the Taunus mountains, above the sea level and of the entire Rhenish Massif. It is situated in the Hochtaunuskreis district in Hesse, Germany.

   When the weather permits, it offers a beautiful panoramic view of Frankfurt's skyscrapers and its surrounding area.A great place for hill walking with spectacular views of Frankfurt and the surrounding towns and villages. The route leads through the idyllic forests of the historically significant Teufelsquartier im Taunus. I always watch the 800-meter-high Großer Feldberg, which is unwooded in the summit area. In addition to a lookout tower,. It has Natural forest paths - View of the Großer Feldberg and over the Faunus

Also a great place for mountain biking, and motor bikes...long winding roads.


There’s something so majestic about being in the mountains the sky is just crystal clear and bright blue. The air is crisp and clean, and pierces the back of your throat when you inhale, reminding you that you’re alive. And nature is at its most brilliant: the towering pines and spindly birch trees all playing in the pillows of pure, white snow. And seeing such magnificence, and experiencing it with all your senses, it really puts a lot of things into perspective. Aside from the air purity, your nostrils will be filled with wonderful fragrances as you travel the mountain, not only from the pines, mountain flowers, and other plants, but from the mountain itself.

Whenever I am hiking in nature, I feel so much more connected to the world around me! Enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.”

 I feel incredibly small, amidst the power and glory of nature. And it makes me contemplate that the One who made these mountains, also made me. Feeling, literally, on top of the world, overcome with a total-sensory experience of “I can do anything – this is amazing.” ¬

Feeling all powerful, accomplished, peaceful, excited, and calm. Breezes blow through your hair and cool you and the sun shines right in your eyes and somehow it feels like a blessing.

You find deep peacefulness when spending time on a mountain. It is a unique feeling of calm and tranquility that you need to experience to understand. It filters through you, and stays with you for a time after you leave. When walking on a mountain, take time to sit down and reflect for a while: appreciate the stillness, and listen to the silence. You’ll be glad you did. They say you have to climb up a large mountain to appreciate how small you are. Mountains are humbling, in a good way, as they help you gain perspective on life. The higher you climb the mountain, the more you will appreciate this. Look out at the world from high up on a mountain; the world is amazing and so are you. Marvel in their beauty. Be awed by their vastness, and appreciate the gift that they are.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lake and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more that what we could learn from books.” – John Lubbock

Mountains are so special; they have such magic to them. Even if you don’t even climb them they call to you. .In the woods or up on a mountain top. It’s just you and mother nature.A  feeling of being at one with nature, insignificantly small in a vast mountain landscape and more alive than I feel anywhere else.  Here’s some of the reasons I like …

The Views and the wide open spaces.  White-topped peaks, soft, billowing drifts contrasting with rocky terrain and the bluest of skies I’ve ever seen.  I’ll let the views speak for themselves…The peace and stillness.  It’s so, so quiet at times with just the faint sound of skiers schussing through the powder, a muffled laugh in the distance, the breeze, and the sound of my own breathing and I want it to last forever. That feeling of being on top of the world…it’s amazing, and you can certainly feel it.

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it.”

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