The Song of India
“What song shall I sing of you Mother?” I asked
Shall I sing
Of the Himalayas with their snow-born Peaks
Of the three seas that wash your Palm?
Shall I sing
“Of your clear dawn with pure gold streaks?”
Said the mother Imperturable calm:
Sing of the beggar and Leper
That swam my streets.
Sing of the filth and the dirt
That foul my sylvan retreats:
“What song shall I sing of you Mother?” I asked
Shall I sing
Of your rock cut temples, epics in stone,
Of your children that died to call you their own
Of the seers and prophets that hewed that straight path
For the man that pilgrims alone?”
Said the Mother in indignant words
That beat into my ears like gong,
That flew about me, a pitiful thing.
Like great white birds:
Sing of the millions that tail
Sing of the wrinkled face
Indexing ignorance.
Sing of the helpless child
Born in a bleak, dark home.
Nervous I yet would ask,
Deeming it my task:
What song shall I sing of you, my mother?
What song?
Shall I sing of the dam and the lake?
Of steel mills , the shipbuilding yard?
Of the men that work hard.
To technologies, to put you on the page
Of the Atomic Age?
Said the Mother: of these you may sing.
But sing also of the strikes, early and late.
Of iron men that come in their wake.
O class- war and its correlate.’
Querulous, I said:
Is there no song that I can sing of you,
Heart whole , alloyed?
A song bathed in the stainless blue
Unvapouring in the void?”
At that the mother rose, draped in the blue sky.
Milk-white oceans heaved round her.Their waves.
Were the entrancing and enthroning light.
On which she sat and wrote the book of the Morrow
Her forehead opened like earth’s destiny
Yielding the sun God cancelling all sorrow.
It was clear dawn like a nightmare fled the inght
An the sun-beam was as the hand that saves.
Author: Vinayaka Krishna Gokak
As Indians we can rightly be proud of our country’s natural beauty, Its Rich cultural heritage, its ancient wisdom, Its glorious freedom struggle and its industrial progress. As the same time we should not ignore the numerous ills affecting our motherland Like Poverty disease, environmental degradation, ignorance, illiteracy, unemployment, caste, and class conflicts and a hundred forms of exploitation. We should try to eradicate them as far as Possible.
As poet said Our mother India has to write the book of our destiny, cancelling all our sorrow. Tomorrow should be clear dawn..Our nightmare should fled in the night. We have to write our bright future…
Sujalaam ….Sufalaam ….Malayaja Sheetalaam …. Dream for bright future….
Let us pledge for commitment to our constitution ….
Let us Pledge to fight against terrorism ….
Let us pledge to fight against communal ism….
Unity in diversity …… and towards continual progress
Striving always for peace ….
Vande Mataram! ! Jai Hind!!!
Happy Republic Day!
beautiful post dear!
here is to the better tomorrow of India! :)
Thank u lena:)
Lovely poem,thanks for sharing dear :)
Thank u Sameera:)
We are going to use this poem for our choral recitation competition held in our school
Thank you for posting
The bright side and the dark side of India is beautifully described in this poem. The whole poem has a sustained imagery..
Is there lyrics for this song
Is there lyrics for this song
Pls share original Kannada version of this poem
super thoughts to criticise our system...
super thoughts to criticise our system
Respected Madam
You have studied the poem "The song of India " by Prof V.K.Gokak very well .I think.Qouting Vande Mataram in support of the song's gist again you done very well.
Indian tradition and dharma has always adored and worshipped the Motherland as superior to all Gods and Goddesses and the Heaven.
The Vedas and Puranas proclaim the glory and greatness of our Motherland. In Ramayana there is a sloka uttered by Sri Rama.
Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi
The meaning of the above sloka is Mother and Motherland are greater than heavens. Nothing can be holier to us than this land. Every particle of dust, everything living or nonliving, every stock and stone, tree and rivulet of this land is holy to us.
Respected Madam
You have studied the poem "The song of India " by Prof V.K.Gokak very well .I think.Qouting Vande Mataram in support of the song's gist again you done very well.
Indian tradition and dharma has always adored and worshipped the Motherland as superior to all Gods and Goddesses and the Heaven.
The Vedas and Puranas proclaim the glory and greatness of our Motherland. In Ramayana there is a sloka uttered by Sri Rama.
Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi
The meaning of the above sloka is Mother and Motherland are greater than heavens. Nothing can be holier to us than this land. Every particle of dust, everything living or nonliving, every stock and stone, tree and rivulet of this land is holy to us.
Respected Madam
You have studied the poem "The song of India " by Prof V.K.Gokak very well .I think.Qouting Vande Mataram in support of the song's gist again you done very well.
Indian tradition and dharma has always adored and worshipped the Motherland as superior to all Gods and Goddesses and the Heaven.
The Vedas and Puranas proclaim the glory and greatness of our Motherland. In Ramayana there is a sloka uttered by Sri Rama.
Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi
The meaning of the above sloka is Mother and Motherland are greater than heavens. Nothing can be holier to us than this land. Every particle of dust, everything living or nonliving, every stock and stone, tree and rivulet of this land is holy to us.
Nice madam
Wow..... very nice and excellent poem then.... this one is very lovely poem so,, thanks for sharing
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