The Earth Laughs in Flowers- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Earth Laughs in Flowers.How True? Flowers are the nature’s most beautiful gift. They have inspired generations of poets and artists .For each artist, flowers and their beauty have had its own meaning. Flowers are all so pretty and sweet. They come in many sizes, They bloom and blossom, from day to day, and bring us they lighten our loads with fragrance. Every beautiful flower Which were so diverse And unique they were Like and in fragrance. Everyday a new flower is born .Its destiny unknown Some will grow and flourish; The aroma fills the air .Some will wilt and die .The fragrance of the flowers are pleasing to the gods. Yes, The Earth Laughs in Flowers .

Whenever I am in pensive mood flowers flash upon that inward eye and then my heart fills, with pleasure ; beautiful thought comes Which adds a smile In mind of mine.I love Flowers:)